Saturday, 20 April 2013

Initial Shot/Plan

Initial Shot/Plan

I have compiled an initial plan for the opening two minutes of my thriller. However this is only a brief plan on what I expect to film over the coming weeks and there are a number of things that may change such as the use of a cigarette due to the fact that we have to film in school. The opening will consist of three separate scenes all surrounding the killings committed by a psycho. However, not all of the scenes will show the antagonist as the second scene will present the aftermath, showing the police investigating the murder from the opening scene. I plan to use scene three to demonstrate that the murderer has no boundaries and will kill anyone who he deems to be in his way.

Scene 1
Opening credits – Superimposed onto wall

Pan into antagonist walking.

Antagonist costume – Trench coat, sunglasses and headphones

Mid shot behind the antagonist – follow until the door where the camera stops

Antagonist takes time at the door – goes to knock then kicks the door open

The music intensifies and the camera becomes shaky as it follows antagonist into the room

Woman has a paper with a headline referring to the killer

Mid shot of antagonist drawing out a knife

Close up of the woman’s face showing her fear – uncomfortably close

Close up of the knife with the killer touching it sensually

Shot from the killer's eyes – Woman screams, pans across to the other side of room where woman runs into shot

Reverts to mid shot- knife pulled back and camera ducks behind object to obscure view

Camera pans back up showing woman bleeding and the killer celebrating in the foreground

Mid shot of the woman slumping to the floor

From the floor – canted angle from woman’s eyes of killer’s feet approaching

Black outs creates ellipses as the killer gets close and closer

Headphones dropped into front of shot and the camera pans up as the killer bends down until the camera reaches his shoulders

Mid shot with tripod – killer rises from the corpse after stroking her face, pulls the knife out of her and she groans, wipes the blood of the curtain then puts it away, pulls out a bigger knife and slashes her throat.

Blood splatters onto wall spelling out “DUALITY”

Scene 2
Camera flash, close up of woman’s face/neck

Pan, circle around the room, protagonist, shot behind of him entering the room

Pulls out a cigarette – close up of him lighting the cigarette then mid shot of him turning around to talk to other detective

Protagonist speaks to second detective

Looks like a standard job, nothing stolen, two clean wounds, seven inches in diameter, what do you think chief is it him?

Of course it was him, why else would I be here?

How can you be so sure, it’s a big city, you and me both know there’s at least a dozen murders a night in this part of town.

How do I know? *close up of his face looking at the body* I wouldn’t be good at my job if I didn’t know.

Talks to another extra detective – asks him a question

Protagonist walks towards door, camera panning around, close up

Mid shot from behind, protagonist takes one last drag

Focus pull over his shoulder, press come running towards detective, ask questions:

This is the ninth murder in the case so far, do you have any new leads?

It seems funny how you all seem to be taking your time about it.

Protagonist gets angry and throws reporters notepad to the floor

Fades to black 

Scene 3
Fade into scene 

Wide shot watching killer walk past a tramp sat on floor

Tramp asks the killer for change

Mid shot from behind of killer reaching into his jacket pocket

Close up of wallet falling onto floor

Over shoulder shot showing tramp reach for wallet and the killer's hand stamp on it

Close up of tramp looking scared

Back to wide shot of tramp being stabbed multiple times, kicks the tramp and takes the wallet

Mid shot of the tramp dead with footstep Foley 

Fade to black 

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